Personal Data Notice – Nordic Region

Data Protection Legislation requires consent from applicants if the candidate data and attachments are to be stored after the completion of the recruitment process. By registering for Taleo, the user accepts that BNP Paribas SA can process their data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
By applying for this position and submitting their data, the applicant gives consent to the storing of their data according to the standard storage and deletion procedure. Up until 6 months following inactivity, data is stored and can be accessed by BNP Paribas SA for the purpose of potential future recruitment processes.
After 6 months of inactivity, data will become unavailable for BNP Paribas recruiters and the candidate. Deletion of the data is done in two steps.
1) The soft deletion after 6 months of inactivity. Data becomes unavailable to BNP Paribas recruiters and the candidate
2) Hard deletion after 12 months of inactivity. Data is deleted and cannot be restored.
Applicants can update or delete their profile at any time following a recruitment process by accessing Taleo. Applicants that submit a spontaneous application, are invited to pay attention to the storage and deletion procedures of BNP Paribas, and update their application on a regular basis if they would like their data to be available for the various recruitment processes in BNP Paribas.