Your opinion matters

At BNP Paribas, we strive to provide our clients with the highest possible standards of service. If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with our service, products or employees, please let us know. We value your feedback and will endeavor to resolve your complaints fairly.

Who to contact:
Your assigned Client Service Desk contact, Relationship Manager or your usual BNP Paribas contact person.
If you are not satisfied with the answer provided, please contact our Complaint handling unit:

By letter:
BNP Paribas SA, Bankfilial Sverige – Complaints Handling Unit
PO Box 7763
103 96 Stockholm

By email :

What is the process?
When we receive your complaint, it will be handled with the utmost care. We will write to you to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days upon receipt and will investigate your concerns. We will aim to provide you with a written response of our findings as soon as possible and no later than 2 months from the date of receipt of the complaint, depending on the nature of the claim.
Once the Bank has evaluated your complaint and found the best possible solution, we will reach out to you and agree on the next step to ensure a good collaboration going forward.

Independent Complaints Board:
If you are not satisfied with the proposed solution, then you may escalate your complaint to the Independent Complaint Board (ICB) within the Bank. The ICB will make an evaluation of how the complaint has been dealt with and whether there is a basis for a reassessment of the case.
To contact the ICB, please use the same postal address or email address as stated above and specify that the bank has already processed your complaint.ShareShare on Facebook on FacebookShare on Twitter on TwitterShare on LinkedIn on LinkedInShare on Google+ on Google +